Nancy Leonhardt
Showcase of Projects
Early Literacy Libraries/Access to Education Resources Language Training
RC St Catharines Lakeshore
Project Impact
This club has, over many years, given a clear focus to reading. Read With Me works with teachers to select students who would benefit by working with a mentor. Volunteers (Rotarians, Rotaractors, volunteers from the community) visit the student in their classroom at least once each week to bring a book and listen to the child read aloud, giving feedback and support for their reading progress and suggesting strategies to help fluency. Each student takes the book home to read with their family. Student progress is tracked throughout the school year. In June, children are honored at a special Rotary event. Each receives a gift certificate for books they can choose themselves. Nearly $54,000 has been donated to the schools through this program, with more than 175 trained volunteers donating 6500 volunteer hours to support nearly 450 students.